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Dose Administration Aids


Dose administration aids, also called ‘Webster Packs’, organise doses of tablets and capsules according to when they should be taken. These aids assist people with the management and timing of their medications (ie. adherence to prescribed therapy).

If a person is having issues with medication adherence, simple strategies such as simplifying the regimen or setting a reminder alarm may help. A dose administration aid may however be more beneficial if ;

  • a person is struggling to manage a complex medicine regimen
  • a person sometimes forgets if they have taken their medications
  • a carer is monitoring the medications for an individual

To state the obvious, medications do not work if they are not taken. Non-adherence is a major cause of preventable morbidity and mortality, particularly in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

At Watson’s Friendly Pharmacy, our dose administration aids are packed in store by highly trained staff and thoroughly checked by a pharmacist. If you would like to know more about this cost-effective way of making your medications easier to manage, pop in store to discuss how we can help.

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